Monday Social Round Up: Facebook 2012 - The Latest on Everyone’s Favorite Social Network

Facebook is one of the top social networking site where billions of billion users in the world creating a profile to chat, share, like and update the ideas and thoughts to they beloved one among they own friend list, which is totally a private and secured one among your friends.

One cannot discount the story behind the founding of the world’s biggest social network. 
Even if you have not watched the movie or read the book, you surely have inkling about its founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg and how he built Facebook.

Growth and Development: 

In 2005 they purchased the domain name for $200,000. As the domain grew with more visitors and users they investment too grew, so they acquired for a domain name and they had a domain sales income for nearly $8.5 million and was ranked among the ten in the domain sales history.

Old Facts and Figures [Infographic]

After which Facebook has become the best social networking site in the world of nearly 845 million monthly active users till today. 2.5 million photos are uploaded daily. 2.7 billion likes everyday. 20 minutes is spent per visit on the average.

Latest Facts and Figures [Infographic]

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